Friday, October 11, 2013

Five on Friday

TGIF!  Wow this week has hit me like a ton of bricks.  Just the thought of thinking of 5 things for Friday makes my head hurt.  But, I am nothing if not a determined SOB, so here we go for our linkup with Darci at The Good Life for Five on Friday!


[ONE] Farm Time

We have official pumpkin patch plans, people!  On Sunday, the family will be bundling up for a foggy morning over at Underwood Farms.  Look out goats, Natalie's a-comin'!

[TWO] Columbus Day
Nothing like a three-day weekend, y'all.  It's very possible I will have to do work on Monday, or at least be plugged in for things that come up, but I still love me a good 3 consecutive days off.  Oddly enough, Camille's preschool - which takes vacation days like nobody's business - has a regular school day.  My number one goal is to get to the gym, and I think I can make that happen at the very least.

[THREE] Boots, Baby
Today was downright chilly and I was thrilled to sport my brand-new fall boots.  That is all.

[FOUR] Playoff Baseball
I don't mind a little baseball once in awhile.  The hubby likes it, he doesn't make me watch it too often, and the Dodgers are in the playoffs so okay I'll watch a few games.  This is what I tell myself earlier this week.  Then I see the Pirates playing the Cardinals, okay fine.  But now Detroit and someone else are still playing??  So apparently while I thought we were down to the playoffs, like 4 teams left, there are actually multiple playoffs still going, to get to other playoffs, and we are truly mid-season baseball and I'm dragged in.  Oh well...

[FIVE] Vons Grocery Delivery
And now I'd like to vent on one more thing, which I think is not the point of 5 on Friday but whatevs.  I get my groceries delivered by Vons, which sounds like such a shameful hoity-toity thing, but really if you buy baby wipes you get free delivery!  So, it's not more expensive than going to the store.  The problem, I've discovered, is that they are inevitably out of one to two items, and it's completely random and unpredictable.  But, more often than not, it seems like they are out of the one thing I need.  Like, the chicken that is the main ingredient in the dinner entree.  This week, no salmon, so my husband had to make a post-work run to the store.  Darn you, Vons!

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