Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hi friends, and Happy New Year!  I've been a bit MIA over the last couple of months for a variety of boring reasons.  Work has gotten busier, the kids have had colds (requiring the dreaded early "your kid has a fever" pickup which is 50% annoying and 50% embarrassing), and we hired a new nanny who is terrible.  It takes her about 3 days to get through the laundry, she lets the kids watch TV, she feeds them way too many dinosaur chickens, and I'm pretty sure she's checking her iPhone all the time when she should be playing with them.  I'm not sure if we're better off without her, but at least she's really cheap.  This is her:

Yes, surprise, it's me!  So I've been pretty busy anyway.

Like most people, we've been enjoying a break from school for the last couple weeks.  It's actually been one of the best school breaks we've ever had.  My husband took a week off from work which was key.  We spent our first week off in San Diego, where we hit up Legoland (one of our favorite places), visited the park in Coronado a bunch, tooled around in my parents' electric car, made Christmas desserts and ate Christmas desserts, spent time with a friend and her super fun kids, and generally hung out with the family.  Back in Los Angeles this week, we went to the zoo with friends who we haven't seen in forever and had a playdate with friends from school.  Both days we hung out with boy friends (as opposed to girl friends) and Camille remarked several times on wanting to look cute and I caught her checking herself out in the oven reflection a few times.  Scare-y.....

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